New Features/Updates:
Flash Course Labels:
In addition to running the Flash Content Audit report, the My Courses page lists courses with Flash based modules and are noted with a red Flash button.
To visit the All courses page, go to: Admin > Training > Content > Courses > Select All under Category drop down. You can filter the My Courses page by clicking on the More Filters link in the top right and selecting "Yes" under Contains Flash Content.
When editing a course, the modules section displays a red Flash button for each of the modules that contain Flash.
Bug Fixes/Changes:
- Resolved issue where some videos modules didn’t respect the Full screen command.
- Resolved issue where the Pin Code field was locked on the edit Training Track page and thus prevented admin from editing a pin code for the training track.
- Resolved issue where some learners attempt to redeem $BlueBucks ended in a timeout.
- Resolved issue where some admins were not redirected to the correct university from the Admin side
- Resolved issue where Export button the dashboard didn’t download spreadsheet as expected.
- Resolved issue with a file module in a customer university that displayed error when trying to Preview.