New Features:
Promo code admin page redesign: The admin promo code management page has been redesigned in preparation to support External Promo codes in the near future.
Bugs fixes/Changes:
- Fixed IE issue with respecting block card font color.
- All assigned Course Instructors will now receive unenrollment course emails
- Resolved issue with timeout when editing a question for assessments in progress
- Fixed issue where admin receives oops error when trying to edit a user name on a certificate
- Resolved issue with Sage UI Admin link not maintaining theme color
- CAN Ultimate Dining Card image on admin page now displays as expected
- Enrollment popup now displaying as expected for paid courses
- Digest emails now being sent to appropriate university admins
- Updated Auto-enrollment link to work with as required when learner has profile fields to complete
- Resolved issue where admins were unable to upload videos
- Resolved issue with Shared Courses page timeout