Occasionally, you may have a course that you would like your learners to take after completing another course. Or you may want to make sure your learners are consuming the content in the course in a specific order and are not permitted to skip ahead. The content/course required prior to additional content/course is called a prerequisite. BlueVolt has two ways of handling prerequisites: courses and modules within a course.
A course can be a prerequisite for another course. Alternately, a module or section of modules can be a prerequisite for another module or section of modules.
NOTE: Course level and Module level changes are done through the Course Editor while creating or updating a course. See Create a Course for additional information.
Course Level Prerequisites
To make a course a prerequisite for another course, go to 4. Other Settings in Course Editor.
Using the dropdown, choose another course in the university which must be taken prior to the learner being permitted to take this course. You can daisy chain courses together by making Course A a prerequisite of Course B and Course B is a prerequisite of Course C, and so on.
Learners will not be able to Enroll in, or complete, the course until they have successfully completed the prerequisite.
Module Level Prerequisites
Do you want your learners to be required to view course content prior to attempting the Assessment? Make the course content a prerequisite for the Assessment.
In order to set up modules as prerequisites for other modules, you need to create Sections in your course, in Course Editor. Every course has one default Section which is the title of the course. When Adding a Module to a course, you can create a new Section by clicking the dropdown next to Section and choosing Create a New Section.
This will bring up the Edit Section screen and allow you to name your Section, create a description, choose the Display Sequence, and determine another Section in the course to be the Prerequisite.
After a Section has been created, every time you add a Module to the course, you can choose that Section from the dropdown.
You do not have to make every Section a prerequisite, nor does every Section have to have one. However, every Module in a Section is governed by the settings of its Section. In the example above, you cannot view any of the Upload Your Analysis modules before completing the Around the World in Many Days module. Every module in the first section must be completed before you can move on to the second section.