New features/updates:
- $BlueBucks Giftcard Redemption Integration Upgrade: Upgraded to the Alder API per requirement from Incomm (3rd party vendor that supports gift card redemptions). Additional functionality enables a BlueVolt Admin to select whether a card is available to a specific university (or not).
Bug fixes:
- Removed HTML characters for the Aggregated Test Detail CSV download.
- Fixed Polish language translations
- Fixed issue with pin codes for training tracks not working in Sage universities
- Sage universities that allow Switch Universities option from the profile drop down is now working properly.
- Fixed issue with Integration Usage pages timing out
- Fixed issue with new dashboard displaying “unauthorized” for some users.
- Fixed various issues reported at dev demo with New Dashboard:
- Added navigation drop down
- Chart now allows the “totals” options to be deselected
- Selected chart universities persist when selecting radio buttons for Enrollments, Completions or Both
- Resolved display issue with Edge