New Features:
- NATE Course ID Field: New field on Course Editor under Other course Settings so that an admin can add a NATE Course ID. This date is reported in the University Course Hierarchy report and in the reporting API on the GetAllCourses endpoint. This may be used by admins customers who are interested in a NATE course reporting integration.
- Behind Schedule on the My Enrolled Training Home Page Block: The My Enrolled Homepage block will display courses in the following sort order:
- Course behind schedule - oldest on top
- Courses with due dates - nearest due date on top
- Courses with no deadline
- My Enrolled Training Page Filtering:
- The My Enrolled Training page may be filtered for Behind Schedule Courses by clicking the “Show only these” link
- Learners can choose to sort the My Enrolled Training page either Chronologically by enrollment date or Alphabetically
- Transcript Hours Completed Display: To improve readability, the transcript hours and minutes displays as 1h 33m instead of 01:33.
- Language Selector Update: To appeal to a more global population for various languages, the drop-down of available languages now displays for learners to select a specific language and will not have a country designee.
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed issue with enrollments in “Equivalent Courses”
- Resolved issue with ability to add new facility on Admin Calendar administration page.
- Removed confusing success message after uploading thumbnail image on Sage Theme editor page