This article will describe how to edit the various sections of a category, and contains the following sections:
- How to Edit a Category
- Metadata Tab
- Page Display Tab
- How to Rearrange Content Blocks for Category Pages
- Required Blocks (if Training Tracks or Courses exist in the category):
- Optional Blocks:
- Courseware tab
- Courses
- Training Tracks
- Permissions Tab
How to Edit a Category
Click the green icon with a pencil to the right of the category you wish to edit to see the Category Editor.
You may navigate back to the category list by clicking “back to category list” at the top of page.
You will see the name of the category and the hierarchy breadcrumb if this is a subcategory. There are five tabs showing different aspects of the category you can edit:
Metadata, Page Display, Courseware, Permissions and Preview.

Metadata Tab
You can edit the following items under this tab:
- Category Name
- Include in University Brochure checkbox
- Category Description
- Category Icon: Add, change, or remove
- Search options: Enable search by Category Name and Enable Search by Tag
- Box to add tags
Page Display Tab
You can edit the following items under this tab:
- Show Category Header checkbox
- Content Blocks (more information in the next section)
- HTML Footer
- HTML Description
NOTE: Once you’ve completed your changes in this tab, you must click the Save Changes button or your changes will be lost when you move to a new tab or away from the page.
How to Rearrange Content Blocks for Category Pages
These are the blocks of content the learner sees when they select the category.
You may rearrange these content blocks to reflect the order you want them to display on the page for the learner by clicking the blue drag handle on the left-hand side, dragging them to the desired position, and releasing.
NOTE: See the Category Layout Options for different ideas on how to set up your category pages.
Required Blocks (if Training Tracks or Courses exist in the category):
Training Tracks Block
- Shows number of training tracks associated with this category in parentheses.
- Display as a list or a grid view.
- Allow the user to change the default view you have specified by clicking the checkbox.
- Show title bar.
- If selected, the default name for the content block shows. You may change this.
Courses Block
- Shows number of courses associated with this category in parentheses.
- Display as a list or a grid view.
- Allow the user to change the default view you have specified by clicking the checkbox.
- Show title bar.
- If selected, the default name for the content block shows. You may change this.
Optional Blocks:
Subcategories Block
- Shows number of subcategories associated with this category in parentheses.
- Click checkbox to show these subcategories to learners.
- Display as a list or a grid view.
- Allow the user to change the default view you have specified by clicking the checkbox.
Recently Added Block
- Click checkbox to show Recently Added courses to learners.
- Display as a list or a grid view.
- Allow the user to change the default view you have specified by clicking the checkbox.
Featured Training Block
- Click checkbox to show Featured Training courses to learners.
- Display as a list or a grid view.
- Allow the user to change the default view you have specified by clicking the checkbox.
- Show title bar.
- If selected, the default name for the content block shows. You may change this.
- Displays additional information in a sidebar.
- Show sidebar to the right or left (or not at all).
- Select to show Subcategories.
- Select how many levels of subcategories you wish to show. Default is 1.
- Select to show Filters. Learners can use to find courses within the resulting list.
- Select to show a custom HTML message.
Courseware tab
The Courseware tab is where you will manage the courses and training tracks for the category.
You will see a current list of courses in the order designated to appear in the catalog underneath this category.
How to Order Courses
- Use drag handle to move the course to the correct position in the list and release.
- Click the Save button.
How to Add Courses
- Start typing the name of the course you wish to add to the category on the Search for a course line. A list of possible courses matching your entry will appear.
NOTE: Courses that currently exist in the category will not display in the drop-down. - Select your course from the list.
NOTE: You may add multiple courses before saving. - Click the Save button.
- Your added course(s) will appear at the top of the list. You may place your course in the desired position.

How to Remove Courses
- Click the Remove checkbox to the right of the course name.
NOTE: You may click the checkbox next to multiple courses before saving. - Click the Save button.
Training Tracks
You will see a current list of training tracks in the order designated to appear in the catalog underneath this category.
How to Order Training Tracks
- Use drag handle to move the training track to the correct position in the list and release.
- Click the Save button.
How to Add Training Tracks
- Start typing the name of the training track you wish to add to the category on the Search for a training track line. A list of possible training tracks matching your entry will appear.
- Select your training track from the list.
NOTE: You may add multiple training tracks before saving. - Click the Save button.
- Your added training track(s) will appear at the top of the list. You may place your training track in the desired position.
How to Remove Training Tracks
- Click the Remove checkbox to the right of the training track name.
NOTE: You may click the checkbox next to multiple training tracks before saving. - Click Save button.
Permissions Tab
The Permissions tab is where you will select the learners who can see and enroll in the category. You can also select the groups whose administrators can place courses in this category.
NOTE: If a course in the category has group restrictions, the category permissions you set here will override those course-level restrictions if there is any conflict.