A transcript is a record of all the courses a learner has taken and completed. You can view the information in a couple of ways.
NOTE: There are some powerful tools in a transcript that should be used with caution. Contact your Customer Success Manager if you have any questions.
Transcript Report
- Go to Admin > Analytics > User Reports > Transcripts.
- Select either your active university or a specific group.
- A list of users will appear with a search box allowing you to quickly find a specific user. You can click on a specific user from the list or search for them in Keyword.
- Once you click on a user, you will see courses for all universities in which you are an admin. The criteria will default to All in Completion Date Filter and Enrolled in Enrollment Status. To see a specific year, change the Completion Date Filter to the year you’re looking for. To see Completions, change Enrollment Status from Enrolled to Completed.
NOTE: The transcript can be printed by clicking the link to Print Transcript.
- To see additional data on a specific course, click on the plus sign to expand the course to show each module, Status, and results under View.
- You can also click the pencil to view/edit Enrollment, Expected Completion, and Actual Completion Dates. CAUTION: Entering an Actual Completion Date when there isn’t one populated will manually pass the learner and cannot be undone. These dates should be changed with extreme caution.
- You can un-enroll a learner from a course by clicking the red X. CAUTION: This cannot be undone. Using this option to remove a course from a learner’s transcript should be done with extreme caution.
Transcript in User Profile
You can also access a transcript by going to the User’s Profile.
- Go to Admin > My University > Users > Users.
- Enter a user’s name or email in the Keyword.
- Click on View Transcript.
TIP: You can also access a transcript while in the user’s profile by clicking View Transcript at the bottom of the page.
View Course and Training Track Completion Certificates
Course and Training Track Completion Certificates can be viewed in the transcript as well. Click the link for the certificate to view as .pdf.