When you offer paid courses in your university, you may have scenarios where you want to allow users to buy courses or training tracks for multiple people. An example would be a Group Admin buying a course for their group.
BlueVolt provides you with a few different ways to accomplish this.
NOTE: This is a feature which needs to be turned on by BlueVolt. If you are interested, please contact your Customer Success Manager to discuss.
- Paid Courses and Training Tracks: Allow any learner to bulk purchase courses and training tracks for their group(s). NOTE: This option overrides the next two options.
- Paid Courses and Training Tracks: Allow Group Admins to bulk purchase courses and training tracks for their group.
- Paid Courses and Training Tracks: Allow Group Report Viewers to bulk purchases courses and training tracks for their group.
Important Points to Keep In Mind
In order for someone to buy a course for others, they must be in the same group. That group must be a sub-group or a group without child groups. No one can use the Buy for Others option for root groups or to buy for learners who are not in a group with them. The Buy for Others option will not bypass Group Restrictions or other course restrictions.
Front Facing Learner Experience
With this Bulk Purchase active, the user (either Group Admin, Group Report Viewer, or Any Learner) can buy courses for learners using the following steps:
- Find the course in the Course Catalog and select it. You will see an Enroll button with a Buy for Others button underneath.
- Select Buy for Others.
- A screen will come up, allowing you to select the learners for whom you want to buy the course. You can click on the learner names from the list, search for a specific learner, or click Add All.
- Once you have selected the learners for whom you want to buy the course, be sure to click Save Selected. You will see a message confirming the information was saved.
- Click Go to cart to complete the transaction.
- On the next screen, you can Edit Enrollees and apply promo codes or discounts.
- NOTE: In order to buy for others, you must belong to a sub-group, not just the root group. You will also only be able to buy for others within groups to which you belong. This will not bypass Group Restrictions on courses.
- NOTE: In order to buy for others, you must belong to a sub-group, not just the root group. You will also only be able to buy for others within groups to which you belong. This will not bypass Group Restrictions on courses.
- Click Begin Checkout when you’re ready to proceed.
- Fill out the fields to complete billing information and finalize the transaction.
- Click Complete Purchase.
Once you’ve completed the purchase, enrollment emails will go out to everyone for whom you bought the course!