The My Shared Courses tab is divided into two additional tabs: Courses I am Sharing and Courses Shared with Me.
Courses I am Sharing: This tab displays courses that you are currently sharing with others.
Courses Shared with me: This tab displays courses by course publishers that have been added to your university.
Courses I’m Sharing
Courses that you are sharing with others are listed on this page and can be sorted by Course or by Subscriber.
Group by Course
Here you can display a list of courses that have been shared and manage the settings for those courses, such as whether it is still actively shared to a specific subscriber. For each subscriber that you are sharing the course with, you can change the amount of $BlueBucks or Max Enrollments.
NOTE: You can also change the BlueVolt Sharing Center settings for the courses listed.
Group by Subscriber
On the Group by Subscriber list, partners that you have shared courses with are listed. Clicking on a subscriber opens a list of courses that you have shared to them. In addition to changing the $BlueBucks and Max enrollments, you can opt to stop sharing all listed courses to that partner by selecting a partner and clicking the link: Stop all sharing for this subscriber
Courses Shared with Me
Courses that have been shared to you are all listed on the Courses Shared with Me tab. The Share Status column displays if the publisher is still actively sharing the course to you or not. The Course Status field shows if you have set the course as active or if it is inactive in your university.
Important: Courses that have been shared to you are initially added to your university as “inactive and uncategorized”. Once a course is shared to you, you will want to complete a few settings before they are ready for learners in your university to take
Click the Edit this Course button to go to the course in their university and finish setting up the course (or change existing settings.) You will want to change the course to active on Step 1. of the course editor. On Step 4. Settings is where you can choose who the course is available for and in what category in your university the course should display.